FastLaneNovember2020 - 5


A great



In May 2020, AutoNation reached its
all-time high Reputation Score of 748.
Not only have we held the top
spot in public automotive retailers
throughout most of the year, but
we did so in the most historic
year of our generation. Each year
we continue to lead as the #1
public group, setting a standard
in the industry and within the
AutoNation family. In October,
for the third straight year, it was
announced that AutoNation again
held the top spot according to
As America's largest and most
recognized automotive retailer,
our Customer experience is at the
forefront of our business. Through
Reputation Score, we have a
single metric to help measure that
experience for AutoNation as a
whole and at the store level.
Today, I'm featuring Pete DeVita,
Market President of North Florida/
Mobile. Each month on the first,
he sends out to his team an
update on their Reputation Score
and their market standing within
the organization. Consistently in

the top five markets by Reputation
Score, his attention to store
reviews and Customer experiences
stands out.

value than expected, treat your
clients with dignity and respect,
sincerely listen more than you
talk, and be responsible to address
all concerns whether at the point
of sale, or later in the ownership
cycle with follow up."

But it goes farther than a oneoff email, Pete is consistently
checking in. "As Market President,
I address every
negative review daily
with the respective
"As Market President, I address
store via an email to
every negative review daily
the General Manager
with the respective store..."
and appropriate
Department Manager.
Pete DeVita
The expectation is
Market President of North Florida/Mobile
that the Customer's
immediate concern is
addressed, as well as identifying
Teamwork and dedication like this
process changes that proactively
are shown in top scores, Customer
will eliminate such negative
loyalty, and word of mouth. We will
reviews in the future."
work together to reach beyond
748 and to be #1 among public
His advice for improving
automotive retailers for a fourth
Reputation Score hits the heart
year in a row.
of the program, how we treat
our Customers. "The best and
simplest strategy is to EARN the
Click to visit the website
Customer's 5-Star review and
positive comments...bring more



Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of FastLaneNovember2020

FastLaneNovember2020 - 1
FastLaneNovember2020 - 2
FastLaneNovember2020 - 3
FastLaneNovember2020 - 4
FastLaneNovember2020 - 5
FastLaneNovember2020 - 6
FastLaneNovember2020 - 7
FastLaneNovember2020 - 8
FastLaneNovember2020 - 9
FastLaneNovember2020 - 10
FastLaneNovember2020 - 11
FastLaneNovember2020 - 12
FastLaneNovember2020 - 13
FastLaneNovember2020 - 14
FastLaneNovember2020 - 15
FastLaneNovember2020 - 16
FastLaneNovember2020 - 17
FastLaneNovember2020 - 18
FastLaneNovember2020 - 19
FastLaneNovember2020 - 20
FastLaneNovember2020 - 21
FastLaneNovember2020 - 22
FastLaneNovember2020 - 23
FastLaneNovember2020 - 24
FastLaneNovember2020 - 25
FastLaneNovember2020 - 26