FastLaneNovember2020 - 24

you can't
vacation -
make it a



et's face it - we can all use a little
getaway right about now, but
considering current events, you
may not be particularly comfortable
heading out on the road or boarding a
plane. Believe it or not, you can still get
your vacation fix in and have a great time,
all while reducing your risk of getting ill -
and for a lot less than you would spend on
a traditional vacation. Here are 2 easy tips
to turn your home and hometown into new,
unforgettable experiences:

1. Revive Your Cancelled Trip
Did you have a trip in mind, or
something already scheduled?
Don't cancel those plans;
instead, relocate them by
bringing the destination
to you. Start off by
researching the foods,
music and culture
of your favorite
destination, then
make a list of things
you'd like to try.

Believe it or
not, you can still
get your vacation
fix in and have a
great time!

Spend the weekend at home with your
favorite person and order-in an authentic
meal or find a good recipe from wherever
you'd like to visit. Immerse yourself by
listening to local music and end the
weekend by watching a movie from that
culture. I was looking forward to traveling to
India in September, but instead, I prepared
an awesome chicken tikka masala from a
recipe I found online. I livened things up
with a Desi playlist on Spotify and ended the
great weekend at home with a Bollywood
movie called Malang!

2. Go Be a Tourist
Chances are, there are a ton of things
in your hometown that you've always
wanted to explore but never got around to
visiting. Now is the perfect time! Check out
TripAdvisor or Yelp and scope out those
hiking trails, watering holes or scenic bike
paths that lay right in your own backyard.
You could even book a night at a nearby
hotel, especially since they're most likely
highly discounted right now!



Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of FastLaneNovember2020

FastLaneNovember2020 - 1
FastLaneNovember2020 - 2
FastLaneNovember2020 - 3
FastLaneNovember2020 - 4
FastLaneNovember2020 - 5
FastLaneNovember2020 - 6
FastLaneNovember2020 - 7
FastLaneNovember2020 - 8
FastLaneNovember2020 - 9
FastLaneNovember2020 - 10
FastLaneNovember2020 - 11
FastLaneNovember2020 - 12
FastLaneNovember2020 - 13
FastLaneNovember2020 - 14
FastLaneNovember2020 - 15
FastLaneNovember2020 - 16
FastLaneNovember2020 - 17
FastLaneNovember2020 - 18
FastLaneNovember2020 - 19
FastLaneNovember2020 - 20
FastLaneNovember2020 - 21
FastLaneNovember2020 - 22
FastLaneNovember2020 - 23
FastLaneNovember2020 - 24
FastLaneNovember2020 - 25
FastLaneNovember2020 - 26